MPA Google Groups

The UNC Charlotte MPA Program operates a Google group for alumni. Its purpose is to inform alumni about important events, job opportunities, and general information about the Program. The Google group is a closed list, meaning that in order to subscribe, an MPA alumnus must contact the Google group administrator and request to be added. Similarly, in order to be removed, a request must be made to the administrator.

If you would like to be added to or removed from the alumni Google group please email Dr. Suzanne Leland at In your email make sure you give us your most up to date contact and employment information. Once you have been added, you will receive a welcome email from the group administrator. We love to see all the great things our alumni are accomplishing so please keep us updated!

Contact Us

Master of Public Administration
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Prof. Suzanne Leland
Phone: 704-687-5937