Jerry Fox
1978 – Master of Urban Administration (MUA) program founded
1987 – MUA program renamed Master of Public Administration (MPA)
2012 – MPA program renamed the Gerald G. Fox Master of Public Administration

Jerry Fox and former UNCC Chancellor Philip DuBois at the 2012 naming ceremony.
The MPA program at UNC Charlotte is named in honor of distinguished public servant Gerald G. Fox. “Jerry” earned local, state, and national recognition as an effective public manager during a career spanning over 50 years. His career included a remarkable term as Mecklenburg County Manager from 1980-2000, where he was a key figure in the transformation of downtown Charlotte and the building of a world-class workforce. His managerial skills, professionalism, respect for the democratic process, and personal integrity exemplify the values the MPA program works to instill in its students. Mr. Fox’s success as a leader in the public sector is an inspiring example to UNC Charlotte’s MPA and Certificate students as they pursure careers in public service.

Jerry Fox teaching a team in a Capstone class, circa early 2000s

Jerry Fox at the dedication of the Foxhole Landfill

Jerry Fox at the Summer 2017 MPA Alumni Social
(Pictured with MPA Director Dr. Tom Barth and alum hostess Tracy Montross)
Contact Us
Master of Public Administration
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Prof. Suzanne Leland
Phone: 704-687-5937
Administrative Assistant
Tizoc Tenorio
Phone: 704-687-7948