Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Public Service Fellowships: The MPA program solicits local public, government, and nonprofit agencies to fund the fellowships. Students work 20 hours per week in their host agencies, and receive a stipend of $1,000 per month plus payment of Fall and Spring in-state tuition. Fellowship contracts range from 6 to 12 months and can be renewed at the host agency’s discretion.

When fellowships become available they are announced via an email to the MPA Student list. Interested students submit cover letters and resumes to the MPA Director who forwards them to the host agency. Host agencies then decide who to interview and hire.

Graduate Assistantships: The Department of Political Science and Public Administration has five graduate assistant (GA) positions. These GA’s work 20 hours per week for the Department performing various research, teaching, and administrative tasks. GA’s work during the Fall and Spring semesters, and earn $1,000 per month.

When assistantships become available they are typically announced via an email to the MPA Student list. Interested students submit their resumes to the MPA Director. Interviews are conducted by the MPA Director, who then makes the hiring decision.

David Burkhalter-Gary Rassel Scholarship: This scholarship was established in honor of the memory of David Burkhalter who served as the City Manager of Charlotte from 1971 to 1981 and Faculty Emeritus and former MPA Director Gary Rassel who taught in the MPA program from 1982-2012. The recipient’s university account is awarded a one-time payment of $1,000.

The Burkhalter Scholarship is awarded to an incoming or first year student each fall semester. There is no application process. The MPA faculty review student files and develop a potential interview list. Officers of the MPA Alumni Group and Professor Rassel review the list and interview two to four students, selecting one for the award. Interviews are generally conducted in May or June.

Gerald G. Fox Endowment: This endowment fund was established in 2011 by program namesake Jerry Fox to promote the MPA program to potential students and offer financial assistant to students. It is awarded periodically to assist students with expenses that include, but are not limited to, tuition, conference registration fees, and travel. There is no application process. The MPA Director and/or faculty review and select award recipients.

Alfred M. Brown – James L. Dorton Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the City of Concord in honor of the memory of two of its longstanding public officials, Alfred M. Brown and James L. Dorton, who combined to provide the City with over 66 years of public service. Mr. Brown served as a Council Member from 1952 to 1969 and 1989 to 2001, and as Mayor from 1969 to 1977. Mr. Dorton began his service as a member of the Board of Education with Concord City Schools. He then served as Alderman of the City from 1969 to 1995, fourteen years of which he was the Mayor Pro Tem of the City.

The Brown-Dorton Scholarship is awarded each year to a fully enrolled MPA student. Recipients shall be employed in or desiring a career in local government. The scholarship is funded via an endowment. Each year’s recipient receives a one-time payment to their university account in the amount of $500 to $1,000. There is no application process. The MPA faculty review all student files and select award recipients.

Susan M. Burgess Scholarship: This scholarship was established in honor of the memory of Susan M. Burgess who served the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Region for over 20 years. Ms. Burgess worked with nonprofits through her church for many years to provide assistance to the poor. She began public life in 1990 with her election to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Board of education, a position she held until 1997. She later won election to the Charlotte City Council and served for nine years, seven as Mayor Pro Tem. In addition to carrying out her responsibilities as an elected official, Ms. Burgess served as President of the North Carolina League of Municipalities and as President of the National League of Cities’ Women in Municipal Government group. Additionally, Ms. Burgess served on numerous boards including the Arts and Science Council, the Council for Children, the Drug Education Center, and the Girl Scouts Hornets Nest Council.

The Burgess Scholarship is funded via an endowment, and is awarded each year to an incoming or first-year student. Awards range from $1,000 to $1500. There is no application process. The MPA faculty review all student files and select award recipients.

Albert & Gladys Coates Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded by the North Carolina City and County Managers Association in honor of Albert and Gladys Coats. The scholarship is awarded to an incoming or first-year student each year and ranges from $2,000 to $2,500. There is no application process. The MPA faculty review all student files and select award recipients.

Sharon Jarrett Thacker Scholarship for Creative Nonprofit Leadership: This scholarship was established in honor the memory of Sharon J. Thacker. Sharon was a nonprofit administrator in Charlotte for over 25 years, taking time in the evenings to be an adjunct professor for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the Public Administration Program. Sharon’s passion for building confidence and skills in young nonprofit leaders, famously stating, “Leap and the net will appear” was her greatest professional joy and made her a memorable member of the UNC Charlotte faculty and Charlotte community. This scholarship is awarded annually to a student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the Gerald G. Fox Public Administration Program. Awardees must demonstrate a passion for service and an intentional plan to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector.

Additional University Opportunities:

Contact Us

Master of Public Administration
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Prof. Suzanne Leland
Phone: 704-687-5937